“Mom, have you finished working? When will you have finished?” “And why, Ady? Are you bored?” “Well, maybe I am. I wanna make the butterflies again.” “Aha. Well, frankly speaking, I don’t much feel like it. You know how Leo is again gonna be completely smudged and I wanted to finish this work.” (I am at a desk…
Category: Creativity with children

Creating with kids
Enjoy these very easy activities with your kids. Drawing and painting is a great way for kids to focus on the instant, to build self-confidence and to relax. Meanwhile, you are spending quality time with your little ones. Don’t be afraid to get dirty … remember that all this is washable. Old clothes, a big…

About children – reading and imagination
Would you like your children to be able lead a happy and healthy life since childhood? Would you like to enable and support them in being respectful, honest, emotionally-matured people who are living life to their full potential? Would you like teach them how to healthily embrace their emotions? Imagination is a natural part of…

Photo frame
Today we can share idea which makes grandparents for sure happy. Frame for photos created by children. First you need to cut out the frame shape in a piece of cardboard paper. Then draw a pattern with transparent liquid glue. You can draw the pattern outline first with a pencil or a pen and follow…

Paper flowers
Cut a green and a yellow (or other flowery color) crepe paper stripes. Fold, roll and glue the green stripe on itself to make the stem. Make some notches on one side of the strip that will be used for the flower to create the petals. Glue one edge and wrap the flower around the…

Dancing boys and girls
Cut color paper stripes and glue them on a white paper page. Cut out a rubber to get pieces that will be used for the different body parts: leg, arm, body and head. For each dancing figure, dip each body part in china ink (careful about the stains!:) and then apply on the paper. Use…

Butterfly wings
You can do this creative activity with your children. Even if very small they can assist you prepare pieces of paper that you will assemble to create these butterflies. The butterfly is inseparably associated with our own transformation. It is a symbol for an incredible change, happening internally. Just as we know ourselves more and…

Natural Dream Catcher
Cut out some cardboard paper to make two discs from which you’ll remove the center and paint them. While the paint is drying, shape some colorful beads from play-dough and make a hole through them large enough to pass a thread or small rope. Place dry flowers between two layers of transparent plastic and enclose…